From the popular Batman animated series, this FiGPiN features the classic Joker in his infamous purple suit! Each Pin comes with a clear protective case with a rubber backer stand. Scan the unique code on the back of each pin for additional details, artist bios, manufacturer date, and more! PRODUCT SPECS Country of Origin: China Package Height: 5” Package Width: 1.25” Package Length: 2.38” FiGPiN Height: 3.5" Edition: #480 RETURN POLICIES -Items must be in original unopened condition to be eligible for a refund. -Items can be returned within 14 business days from purchase date. -Customized products cannot be returned or exchanged. Only misprints acceptable. PRIVACY USE / COPYRIGHT All designs, original artworks, and product photos are properties of Junes Graphix LLC and may not be reproduced/copied, redistributed or resold for personal and commercial use of any kind. Content theft is prohibited. Prices subject to change.