THE BATMAN ADVENTURES Inspired by the Legendary Animated Series The Comic Cave Presents... Title: Batman Adventures #25 (1992 Series) Condition: Uncertified estimated grade: Very Fine/Near Mint (9.0) Publication Date: Early Nov 1994 Publisher: DC Comics Additional Info: 52 page issue. Based on Batman The Animated Series. "Super Friends" - Includes a Batman Adventures Pin-Up Section. Shipping Information Combined shipping and worldwide shipping is available on all items. Priority, express, UPS, Fed-Ex, and other options are also available upon request. Items are usually shipped within 24 hours of receipt of payment. Payment / Return Information If purchasing multiple items, it is sometimes better to await an invoice with combined shipping costs checked for accuracy. 30-day refund policy. Condition Grading Information All comics are strictly graded adhering to or exceeding the guidelines set forth in the Overstreet Comic Book Grading Guide. International buyers please note: International shipments are handled through Ebay International Shipping and may take up to 3 weeks (sometimes longer). Please plan accordingly if time is of the essence.